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Pastor Chris Teaching


Rev.Dr. Chris oyakhilome Dsc, DD

Luke 22:31-32 NIV- “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

Defeated people cannot help others win; only champions can! A champion isn’t someone who wins just so he can bask in the glory of his achievements. A true champion wins for others, and makes them successful as himself. If you’re born again, you’re already a success, and God wants you to manifest the seed of greatness He deposited inside you.

You have no business being down as a child of God. If you’re down, you won’t be able to help those who’re already down.

You’ve got to be up! Our ministry, for example, continues to reach out to the downtrodden in different parts of the world; we’re feeding hungry people, building schools, giving out scholarships, providing pipe-borne water to poor communities, and engaging in several other socioeconomic developmental projects.

We’re able to do all these simply because we’ve risen by the power of the Holy Spirit to a higher pedestal. If we were broke, we wouldn’t be able to make such remarkable impact in the world.

There’s still so much to be done, and the entire burden can’t be left to the government alone. What role are you going to play? If you look around and think: “Well, there’s nothing I can do…,” you won’t be able to make any difference. But if you say, “Lord, I want to help,” then He’ll show you what to do and how to do it. And you’ll become a champion, winning for others and making winners and champions out of them too.


(Only Winners Can Help Others Win) say these words to you self and mean them “I’m a champion for Jesus Christ. Not only am I a winner; I’m helping others to win. God has made me a success, and through the power of the Holy Spirit I’m making a positive difference in my world; strengthening the weak, encouraging the hopeless and giving people’s lives a meaning, in the name of the lord Jesus Christ. Speak in other tongues now!


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