Dear Father, I thank You for the glorious opportunities in the Gospel to shine and manifest Your glory to everyone, irrespective of their nationality, ethnicity, culture, or ideologies. Through me, the unsaved hear and receive the light of the glorious Gospel and are transferred from darkness into light. I am the workmanship of God; I am created in His image, and in His likeness; for beauty and glory! I am God's peculiar treasure and pearl of great price, fashioned for good works. I only show forth His wonderful deeds and display His virtues and perfections. I am completely yielded to the Word! At all times, my heart is open to the influence of the infallible principles of success, victory, health, prosperity, and greatness revealed in God's Word! Thus, my way is prosperous, and I am triumphant always! I am alive unto God; everything that concerns me is perfected by the Spirit of the Lord! Daily, as I study and meditate on the Word, God's perfect will are unveiled to my spirit; wisdom comes to me, propelling me to act accordingly. My spirit is energized and sensitized to know God’s plan, purpose, and direction for me; and I walk in the path of divine destiny, fulfilling God’s perfect will for me, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Hallelujah!