When God gives you a responsibility, He gives you an anointing to enable you to accomplish that task. To neglect that anointing would be counterproductive. For example, if you are called of God to be a pastor, there's an anointing for that office; it's the pastoral anointing.You must recognize that anointing and acknowledge that there's a gift of ministry on your life. Once you understand that the anointing is on your life and learn to take advantage of it, you would see it produce results for the glory of Christ. If you don't recognize and take advantage of it, it will not work.
This is the reason some struggle and experience frustrations in ministry; they're not functioning with the anointing. If you're a pastor, an evangelist, a cell leader or you lead in whatever capacity in the Church, and you've been experiencing difficulties carrying out that ministry, I'll tell where to begin: Recognize that there's an anointing on you to function in that office! This is the same for everyone who's called of God to fulfill any significant role in the Kingdom.
Say these words reverently: "Father, I thank you for your anointing upon my life. I'm an able minister of the Gospel because you have made me so; I take advantage of your anointing, grace and wisdom in me to fulfill the ministry and do the works you've assigned to me in the Name of the Lord Jesus." You activate the anointing and power of God upon your life by the principle of recognition and proclamation: "That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus"(Philemon 1:6).