I affirm that the Word of God will never fail in my life! My heart is a fertile ground for the Word of God and every seed of the Word, planted in my heart is producing great results. My life is filled with the beauty of the Spirit because the Holy Spirit who is the essence of life, beauty, and glory has taken His abode in me.
I am graced to succeed in all endeavors; therefore, I go forth with confidence knowing that all things are fashioned to work together
for my good. I am strong and very courageous, standing firm in faith, reaching out and apprehending the glories that lie ahead. This is my month of blessings in thanksgiving, thus, the spirit of God has catapulted me into the realms of divine prosperity, increase, promotion and success.
Everywhere I go, I walk in righteousness; producing works and fruits of righteousness. I am full of life and in my path, there’s no death! I walk the way of life, because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ
Jesus, has made me free from the law of sin and death. Hallelujah! My way is paved of the Lord, and I’ll never miss my way in life. I am in the centre of God’s will for me! The light of God is in my spirit, to know, and to walk in my inheritance in Christ Jesus.
I am guided by the Spirit of God and the Word, to walk in the path of greatness and excellence! This is my year of lights, I can only do big things and accomplish great results by the ability of the Spirit that is at work in me. Glory to God. Hallelujah!