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A Pastor Chris Teaching

Writer's picture: C.E.L.AC.E.L.A


Rev. Dr. Chris oyakhilome Dsc, DD


CHOSEN: Titus 1:1-3 God’s plan is to unveil eternal life through preaching. Every human being can believe. Believing is a choice! Romans 10:10, Ephesians 1:3-7. When you are born again, you are chosen. Imagine, we are not only blameless but unblamable. He predestined us. There are two destinies for the human being:

A. The natural destiny: this is as a result of where you are

B. Divine destiny: this has to do with God’s plan and purpose for his church as it concerns you. It begins when you are born again. There are those who are there to complete the ecosystem.

KNOW: I am chosen to know his will. Don’t talk confusion as a child of God. Colossians 1:9Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)

The word of God is more than letters. They are spirit and they are life. As you study the word, you respond to the word- you fellowship with the word.

Until you learn to fellowship the word, he will be a mystery to you. The word is God talking. It is the divine revelation of the totality of the word- the logos. It brings the rhema. This is the one you use for spiritual battles. You don’t call the saints or angels in heaven to pray for you because Jesus said you won’t need me to pray for you because the father loves you. Jn 16:23-27. He means the day of salvation – the day of the church which is now. We don’t pray through Jesus Christ but in the name of Jesus Ephesians 1:9. God cannot lie! God speaks by calling names. Solomon asked God for wisdom and understanding and he received it immediately by God’s saying he has it. So was Abraham Everything God has said is for our benefit.

SEE: He has sent us to make men see. Ephesians 3:8-9 amp. This is why we shout. We know who we are. You can’t see a professional student because studying is a means to an end.

Colossians 1:26-27 Can you see Christ in you? Christ is in me. If you can see Christ in you, then the days of failure has ended.

HEAR: Only Saul heard what God said. Others just heard the sound. We couldn’t hear God before but thanks be to God we can hear the message of God now Isaiah 55:3. When you hear the word daily, success is multiplied, favour is increased. Proverbs 4:20-22. The word of God is medicine. It has curative power. the dead there is the spiritually dead- those that are born again. You are chosen to hear the word of God.

WITNESS: we are to tell the untold, reach the unreached. How can you know this and be quiet.

The gifts of miracles are signs and signs point to something. Jesus should be your passion and love. Give for the preaching of the word.


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