I affirm that I am a king and a priest unto God. I’ve been washed, sanctified, and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of God. The Father has granted me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; the eyes of my understanding are enlightened to the realities and truths of His glorious Kingdom. And now, I know the hope of His calling and the riches of the glory of His inheritance for me in Christ. I am full of life; my words are full of divine energy and as I affirm the Word by faith, they are established unto me. I am the temple of the Holy Ghost and the presence of God saturates my spirit, soul, and body. I am God’s headquarters and operating centre, and He has taken His abode in the quarters of my heart! Daily, I take that glorious, divine presence of God to my world, and I saturate my environment with that sweet presence of the Spirit. Hallelujah! I am in Christ; therefore, all things are fashioned to work together for my good. No negative thought, comment or situation can distract me from the work God has planned for me to do! I walk in dominion because the Spirit of the Lord has mantled my heart and imparted divine courage to my spirit. Blessed be God. Hallelujah! #may #christembassy #losangeles #inglewood #southerncalifornia #mydeclaration #prayingnow #loveworld #pastorchris #teaching #talkingsession #upward #forward #empowerment #signs #wonders #leadership #gospel #illumination #peace #affirmationtrain #music #possession #supernatural #strengthened #invigorated #excellence #anointing