#AFFIRMATION 2ND MAY. I affirm that I’ve been crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me! God’s purpose is fulfilled in me, and I walk each day in His perfect will. I am mightily blessed of the Lord! I am whole, sound, and excellent. Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life; therefore, I am making full proof of what Christ did for me, living triumphantly every day, in His Name, and for His glory. I am set on the right course for life! My path is as a shining light, shining brighter and brighter unto the perfect day! Every step I take is a step of progress, prosperity, success, and greatness. Hallelujah! I am bold, strong and courageous in my daily walk of faith. I take giant strides today on the basis of the Word! By my faith in the Word, I accomplish great results; for the Word in me is a propelling force. Hallelujah! I function from a vantage position of boldness, audacity, and victory in Christ Jesus, where I don't struggle but enjoy a blissful life of success, and an unending stream of the miraculous. Glory to God. Hallelujah! SPEAK IN OTHER TONGUES NOW #christembassy #losangeles #inglewood #southerncalifornia #mydeclaration #prayingnow #loveworld #pastorchris #teaching #talkingsession #upward #forward #empowerment #signs #wonders #leadership #gospel #illumination #peace #affirmationtrain #music #possession #supernatural #strengthened #invigorated #excellence #anointing