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Writer's pictureC.E.L.A



I am an associate of the God-kind; I am free from the corrupting influences, decadence, and destruction in the world. My life is for the glory of God, for in Him I live, move and have my being. I am in Christ, experiencing a day-to-day transformation and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

I am stirred and positioned for greatness and excellence, even as I walk in the victory of Christ. My confidence is in the Word of God and my heart is established upon the truth of who I am in Christ. I am seated together with Christ in the Heavenly, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion! Satan and his cohorts of darkness are under my feet, and I reign victoriously in life over all circumstances.

The life of God is at work in me; therefore, I am alive unto God. I live the victorious life of glory and success which the Father has given me. I lack nothing! The favor of God overshadows me, and His protection mantles my heart against the wiles and darts of the devil. Love, joy, health, peace, progress, and prosperity are my present hour possessions in Christ Jesus. I excel and prosper in all things today. I am fashioned for excellence, and the glory of God is manifested through me to my world. My faith is active and I function from a position of victory and rest. Blessed be God.

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