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Writer's pictureC.E.L.A


AFFIRMATION September 1st

I say that the Lord is my refuge and my fortress, he is my home; in him I live, and I have the movement, and I have my being! He is my rock, my life, and my justice; and by him I reign and prévauts on the adversities and wins every day in life. He is my help, the one who supports me from his triumphant right; the fortress of my life.

My life is an expression of justice, love, glory and grace! I am the seed of Abraham; therefore i live above the basics of this world! I'm victorious all along! Hallelujah!

I'm made for life! God's divine power gave me everything I need to live happily and triumphantly every day! Success, prosperity, divine health, promotions and glorious life are my legacy acquired at blood price and my vital experience in Christ Jesus!

I have a beautiful legacy. My intelligence is anointed to think of God's thoughts! With the word of God in my mouth, I overthrow all reasoning of fear, failure, disease, pain and infirmity! No evil or negative imagination has room in my heart! My thought is flooded with the word, with which I will prévauts on all the fiery features of the enemy! Blessed be God. Hallelujah!

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