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Writer's pictureC.E.L.A



I affirm that I am sent by the Lord! I am a custodian of divine truth, and I have received the Spirit without measure. I have all it takes to fulfill my assignment here on earth. Fear has no place in me, for the Father have not given unto me the spirit of fear but of love, power and of a sound mind. My mind is sound, and I am bold to act my faith. I function with the ability of the Spirit today for the Spirit of God is working in me and causing me to have divine courage and confidence. I am king and a priest; I am anointed by the Spirit of God to carry out my

assignment with great joy. Hallelujah!

My words are not ordinary; they are spirit and they are life. I am fully aware that the quality of life that I live is based on the faith-filled words that I utter. Therefore, I hold fast to the profession of faith without wavering, and I affirm today that my life, health, family, and finances are consistent with God’s Word for my life. Hallelujah. I am favored everywhere I go because the favor of the Lord surrounds me like a shield. It opens doors for me, bringing me into my place of greatness. God’s favor has placed me in a position of advantage, and nothing is too good for me! Glory to God. Hallelujah!

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