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Writer's pictureC.E.L.A



I affirm that I have a teachable spirit! I am totally yielded to the Word, which is able to make and also deliver to me my inheritance in Christ. At all times, my heart is open to the influence of the infallible principles of success, victory, health, prosperity, and greatness revealed in God's Word! I am awakened to the fatherhood of God, and His righteousness is expressed through me to my world. Christ has made His abode in me; therefore, I make progress with giant strides. Hallelujah!

I grow in grace, and in the knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am in sync with the Word, guided by the Spirit, and propelled by divine wisdom in the direction of God’s destiny for me. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened; I see the invisible and I am empowered to do the impossible. I am triumphant by the Word today, always, and forever. Glory to God!

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