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Writer's pictureC.E.L.A



I affirm the Lordship of God's Word over my life. In my dealings with people today, I am humble and tender-hearted, fully yielded to Word. The spirit of wrath, anger, and clamour with all bitterness are not a part of me, for I am rooted and grounded in love. Hallelujah. The Spirit of God is guiding me in the path of life and leading me in the way of supernatural success and permanent prosperity. I make my way prosperous and consistently experience good success as I meditate on the Word and speak it forth with boldness. I am what God says I am, and I have all that He says I have. Hallelujah!

Christ is alive in me; therefore, I am strengthened with divine might to accomplish that which appears humanly impossible. There's no impossibility with me; for I am a member of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. Hallelujah! Daily, I rule, reign, and prevail with Christ over the flesh, the world, and circumstances! Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

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