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Writer's pictureC.E.L.A



I affirm that I am God's headquarters in the earth. I am His living tabernacle; the embodiment of His person. I have the same quality of life with God. Therefore, I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world or its debilitating influences. I am not of this world; I hail from God and my origin is God. Daily, the attention of heaven is on me. I am a citizen of Zion - Jerusalem - which is above. I am seated together with Christ in heavenlyplaces, far above all principalities, and powers, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come. Hallelujah! The wisdom of God is manifesting Himself through me, lead me in the right paths to fulfill the dreams and visions that God has placed in my spirit. I have wisdom for ministry, for my job, my business, finances, health, education, and family! My life is improved and upgraded by the power of Holy Ghost and I function today, and always, in divine wisdom, manifesting the glory and virtues of divinity deposited within my spirit. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

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