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Writer's pictureC.E.L.A


I affirm that my days on earth are days of blessings! I function each day from the standpoint of rest. The blessing of the Lord is at work in me; therefore, I have ceased from all struggles. I function today and always in the realities of the kingdom of God; walking in divine health, absolute prosperity, unending success, abundant joy and indescribable peace.

I am living an exceptionally great life here on earth, dominating circumstances and living the transcendent life God has prepared for me. I live in the immeasurable and unlimited grace and mercies of God. Hallelujah!

I am a joint heir with Christ; I am plugged into God's unending supply. I am strengthened with might by the Holy Ghost in my inner man! I can do all things through Christ who energizes and infuses me with miracle-working ability! Glory to God!

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